Defending the American Dream Summit in Texas
Americans for Prosperity is hosting their Defending the American Dream Summit–Texas Style and they’ve got an impressive list of speakers including:
Michael Steele,
Former Maryland Lt. Governor
Michelle Malkin ,
Author and Blogger
Robert Novak,
Syndicated Columnist
The Hon. Barry Goldwater, Jr.
Former Congressman
and Free Market Activist
House Hearing on Tax Relief and Appraisals
I attended this hearing today at the McAllen Convention Center which featured State Representatives John Otto, Kino Flores, Dan Gattis, Larry Taylor and many others.
In the audience was HD41 Candidate for State Representative Javier Villalobos.
The testimony was heated! Taxpayers are concerned, and rightfully so, about being taxed out of the American Dream.
What Does Your Tuition Pay For: UTSA Edition
I take a lot of time to find out exactly where my excessive tuition and fees is being spent and have found some pretty absurd things…but this one takes the cake.
Dallas Blog Reports:
YCT Alum Congressman Jeb Hensarling on Hannity & Colmes RIGHT NOW
He’s discussing the Dodd/Conrad Mortgage Deal. Senators Conrad and Dodd are currently linked into special mortgage deals right now.
YCT Alum Brendan Steinhauser linked me to this:
All we hear these days is whining from reckless home borrowers and their banks.
But did you know that renters are 32 percent of American households? And that homes in foreclosure are less than 2 percent?