YCT Testimony in Favor of HB 36
Check out UT Chairman Dustin Matocha’s testimony in favor of HB 36
Good afternoon Chairman Solomons, and Vice chairman Menendez. I’d like to thank you and all the Representatives on the House Affairs Committee for the opportunity to speak before you today.
Young Conservatives of Texas Oppose Statewide Smoking Ban
Release Policy Brief Against Smoking Ban: HB 5 and SB 544
(Austin, TX) The Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) announce their opposition to the proposed statewide smoking ban in Texas, which has been introduced through HB 5 and SB 544. YCT is the largest, nonpartisan and most active youth conservative group in the state, with nearly a three-decade history of activism.
Call to Action!
Please take a moment to help support the Concealed Carry on Campus Bill – HB 1893. This bill is part of YCT’s legislative agenda, and its chances of passing hangs in the balance as two of the original 77 co-sponsors of HB 1893 have dropped off the bill.
YCT Opposes Statewide Smoking Ban
For immediate release
April 14, 2009
Contact: Laura Elizabeth Morales, YCT Senior Vice Chairman, [email protected]
News Release
Young Conservatives of Texas Oppose Statewide
Smoking Ban
Release Policy Brief Against Smoking Ban: HB 5 and SB 544
Higher Education Cost Drivers
Via Texas Public Policy Foundation:
Tuition prices are increasing due to high university operating costs, not a lack of state funding. There must be measures in place that provide incentives for universities to keep these costs as low as possible. The only way to achieve this is to infuse free-market principles into a higher education system that severely lacks fiscal discipline.