Don’t Forget to Vote in State and Local Races!
It’s not all about McCain-Palin and Obama-Biden, folks!
Some of the most important races are happening in your house districts!
At UTPA students rocked the vote with an event to boost voter turnout and meet the candidates.
Escamilla, 36, said he looked at both candidates carefully before he cast his ballot, deciding McCain was the better choice.
Gov. Perry: there is a “war raging along our Southern border”
From San Antonio’s WOAI:
Perry blasts federal inaction, announces new programs to fight Mexican drug gangs in Texas
College Irresponsibility
Colleges students have been eager to complain about the rising cost of tuition, but students at the University of North Texas last week voted to hike their per-hour fees to pay for a new football field. Of course, they actually voted for a fee that won’t go into effect until at least the fall of 2011 – when most of them will be long gone.
YCT Endorses Chief Justice Wallace Jefferson for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas
There’s a lot of buzz about the national elections this year, but don’t forget about the important statewide races, too!
YCT is proud to announce our endorsement of Chief Justice Wallace Jefferson, for re-election as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas.
Chief Justice Jefferson has done a great job serving the people of Texas and is an inspiration and history maker as the first African American Justice and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas.
His experience makes him an outstanding candidate for the Supreme Court of Texas.
Complete List of YCT Endorsements
If you’d like a PDF copy, email me. [email protected]
Statewide Races
US Senator —————– John Cornyn (R)
Railroad Comm. ——– Michael Williams (R)
Sup. Court Pl. 7 ——— Dale Wainwright (R)
Sup. Court Pl. 8 ————- Phil Johnson (R)