Don’t Forget to Vote in State and Local Races!
It’s not all about McCain-Palin and Obama-Biden, folks!
Some of the most important races are happening in your house districts!
At UTPA students rocked the vote with an event to boost voter turnout and meet the candidates.
Escamilla, 36, said he looked at both candidates carefully before he cast his ballot, deciding McCain was the better choice.
"The fact is, when you compare the two together, McCain beats (Obama) by experience and working with other people," Escamilla said.
Students met with some candidates in the local races too:
Danny Rios, the lone Republican candidate at the event, said he was well received by students even though many declared they were Democrats. Some said they voted straight down the party line but then switched their vote in favor of him for judge in the 449th state District Court race.
"You can vote straight ticket and can switch (individual) votes," he said.