Farney Shamefully Distorts Face of Injured Combat Veteran
Over the weekend, a mailer from the campaign of Rep. Marsha Farney hit mailboxes distorting the face of Colonel Terry Wilson, calling into question his integrity.
YCT Releases Fourth Round of Endorsements
Today, Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) announced its fourth set of endorsements for the 2016 Republican Primary.
YCT Endorses Bryan Hughes for State Senate
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 1, 2016 Contact: Jeff Morris, State Chairman Mobile: (512) 840-1980 Email: [email protected] Austin, TX — Today, Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) announced its endorsement of Representative Bryan Hughes for Texas Senate District 1. Hughes joined YCT as a student at Baylor in 1994 and has been an active alumnus since leaving college. Since joining…
YCT Issues Third Round of Endorsements
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 27, 2016 Contact: Jeff Morris, State Chairman Mobile: (512) 840-1980 Email: [email protected] Austin, TX — Today, Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) announced its third set of endorsements for the 2016 Republican Primary. Today’s endorsements included seven legislative candidates and four judicial candidates: HD 5: Cole Hefner HD 14: Jess Fields HD 20: Terry Wilson…
YCT Issues Second Round of Endorsements
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 19, 2016 Contact: Jeff Morris, State Chairman Mobile: (512) 840-1980 Email: [email protected] Austin, TX — Today, Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) announced its second set of endorsements for the 2016 Republican Primary. The endorsements announced today were for 12 primary challengers based on their qualifications and commitment to legislating in a conservative manner. YCT endorsed…