BREAKING: YCT Releases First Round of Endorsements
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 20, 2017 Contact: William Dominguez, Senior Vice Chairman Email: [email protected] Austin, TX — Today, Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) announced its first set of endorsements for the 2018 Republican Primary. The endorsements announced today were for seven State Representatives and three State Senators in contested primaries and based on…
BREAKING: YCT Releases Ratings of the 85th Texas Legislature
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 2, 2017 Contact: Caroline Chadwick, State Chairman Email: [email protected] YCT Releases Ratings of the 85th Texas Legislature Austin, TX — Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) today released its ratings of the 85th Texas Legislature. These ratings mark the 22nd consecutive installment of the public service offered by YCT as a way for…
YCT Weighs in on November 2017 Elections
Before you head to the ballot box, we wanted to make you aware of the 7 proposed amendments to the Texas constitution and the City of Houston, Dallas and Austin’s propositions. It is crucial that you do further research about the upcoming election and to be very careful with how your city uses your taxes! Proposition 1 This…
Governor Greg Abbott Announces Special Session – July 18
Governor Greg Abbott announced that Texas Legislators will be coming back to Austin for a special session on July 18. They will be debating the following topics: Property tax reform Bathroom privacy Prohibition of taxpayer funding for abortion providers Pro-life insurance reform Municipal annexation reform Administrative flexibility in teacher hiring and retention practices School finance…
YCT Endorses James Dickey for RPT Chairman
This Saturday, your State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) members will be voting to determine the next Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas. Young Conservatives of Texas is excited to endorse James Dickey for this crucial role. Mr. Dickey is the clear conservative choice for Republicans and he is the only candidate with critical hands-on…