Reps. Roy and Middleton to Keynote YCT Convention

March 9, 2021

Manfred Wendt
Executive Director
Young Conservatives of Texas
[email protected]                


Tuesday, March 9, 2021

***YCT 2021 Convention Speakers Announcement***

Reps. Chip Roy and Mayes Middleton to Keynote Saturday Night

Fort Worth, TX — The Young Conservatives of Texas (YCT) are proud to announce that U.S. Rep. Chip Roy and Texas State Rep. Mayes Middleton will serve as the Saturday night keynote speakers for the 2021 convention.

“Congressman Chip Roy is the leading conservative in Washington. At every turn, he leads the fight in support of conservative principles and serves as a role model for young conservatives across the state of Texas. Chip Roy is a fighter for Texas’ conservative values, and we look forward to him speaking to our members” – Manfred Wendt, Executive Director of the Young Conservatives of  Texas. 

“Representative Mayes Middleton has been a long-time liberty leader, serving on the Board of the Texas Public Policy Foundation and receiving a YCT ratings score of 97 in the 86th Legislative Session. He currently serves as the Texas Freedom Caucus chairman. We are honored to have him join us.” – Will Dominguez, State Chairman of the Young Conservatives of Texas

The representatives will address more than 200 members and supporters of the Young Conservatives of Texas on Saturday night, April 24th. Tickets are available here.

Senator Ted Cruz and the honorable Steve Munisteri will serve as the Friday night keynotes.

Those interested in sponsoring convention should reach out to Manfred Wendt, [email protected]