Live with Railroad Commission Chairman Michael Williams
You’ll recall his great speech at the YCT State Convention that motivated us activists, alumni and friends to continue fighting for conservatism.
His topic of conversation today is energy and it’s a big one here at RPT.
Railroad Commission Chairman Michael Williams is chatting with us about electricity and transportation. He says we have to move to the utilization of clean coal for power. We also have to expand the utilization of nuclear power for energy.
My question: How do we get students to care about energy policy instead of following the church of global warming?
His advice is to break it down into a language we can all understand. We’ll talk about this energy crisis in terms of electric bills and gas prices.
It’s because of the decision not to drill in ANWR and domestically that causes a lack of supply and high prices, he elaborates.
His other advice:
Don’t be afraid of the global warming debate, let’s debate the "cap (take) and spend" legislation and how it affects policy, prices and our lives.
YCT Alumni Brendan Steinhauser points out on the FreedomWorks Blog the topic of the Climate Tax Bill sponsored by Lieberman, Warner and Boxer:
"This battle is not over, though. It has just begun…next year this economically devastating bill will be back with liberals in control of both houses of Congress, and likely the presidency."
Even in the State of Texas energy policy is a big topic…